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Tag: economy (Page 3 of 3)

Delicious Link Dump– October 16th through October 20th

Homes: About to get much cheaper? – Hmmm….time to sit in an apartment and wait?

MediaMonkey – Looking for the best way to sync an Android phone for music. Nothing out there like iTunes yet, but this is good.

Remember Why We Have a Department of Energy? – Oh, but it will be different with banking and health care. Right?

The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes Possible – Two of my favorite things–inappropriateness and Halloween.

Newscoma Sums UP BarCamp Nashville and Blogging – "Blogging is one of those things that folks either get or they don’t, but it has been a gift to me since the first time I opened up one of these silly things and realized that it was a lot of fun."

Free Trigonometry Tutorials and Problems – You got that? FREE PROBLEMS!!!! One of the many things on my nerd checklist is that I did ALL the problems in the trig book…not just the ones that were assigned. I would do them in all my other classes. I even had a set of colored pencils I used to draw the vectors in different shades. Yeah, you wish YOU'D thought of that.

Clean Your Computer Screen From The Inside – It really works!!!

Paranormal Activity –Don’t Need To See It – I'm a scary-movie-wimp. I hate them. I'd rather just read spoilers (like this one) and know that it would scare me if I saw it.

Another Yummy Link Dump — 17:05

Pelosi Open To The VAT – Gasp! Shock! What? She would actually consider a new tax? The hell you say!

Post Rapture Pets – No matter what you do or don't believe, you have to admit this is a smart business model.

There’s No Excuse For This – Windows mobile 6.5 – Just to needle @raowen: "It's an interim product, and a vain attempt to hold onto the thinning ranks people who still choose Windows Mobile despite not being somehow tethered to it until the tardy Windows Mobile 7 comes out, whenever that may be."

Moore proves Libertarians right – And being a libertarian is downright heart breaking: "I'd imagine it's like being a Cubs fan, except there usually isn't much hope for next year."

The iDontFart App – Proceed to AT&T store. There's now a reason to own an iPhone.

UT’s Supercomputer Breaks Petascale – Let loose the Kraken! My sources are telling me that a poor ol' country boy's head just exploded in the UTCC.

Apple Quits Chamber Of Commerce Over Global Warming – Apple isn't stupid. They realize there's too much green to be made in "green" to even begin to question it. This is a marketing and sales decision, not an environment/community decision.

What if Only the Rich Recover? – WSJ – Don't call it a comeback!

Millions of Small Businesses Created or Saved! » The Obama Surprise.

Indeed, you can make the case that the sole contribution the Obama administration has made to entrepreneurship in America to date is to force all of those millions of unemployed people to desperately set up their own businesses in order to survive.

This doesn’t even take into account how much entrepreneurship in general is damaged when companies deemed “too big to fail” are bailed out, effectively guaranteeing market share where there has already been market rejection.

But here’s my favorite part…

High tech CEOs are supposed to be the smartest people you’ve ever met. And most of them are. But when it comes to politics and dealing inside the Beltway, experience has taught me that these men and women are fools, dupes and rubes – and too arrogant to realize it. They thought they were electing one of them, and someone pliable enough to help them succeed while at the same time crushing their competition.

It’s kind of ironic. These guys should know better than anyone that catchy slogans don’t cut it…you have to bring the goods.

American Capitalism From The Outside Looking In

American capitalism gone with a whimper – Pravda.Ru.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their “right” to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights.

That truth. It do hurt.

Bullets and Seeds

I’m a little surprised this article on suburban survivalists doesn’t mention bullets at all.

“There’s so many people who are concerned about the economy that there’s a huge interest in preparedness, and it pretty much crosses all lines, social, economic, political and religious,” he said. “There’s a steep learning curve going on right now.”

It’s nice to have canned food and a generator, but veggies taste much better when they are a side item. If you are a serious suburban survivalist, it seems like you’d be stocking up on ammunition as well.

While you can still buy it.

Running and The Economy

Cameron Stracher begins by talking about how running will become more popular during the down economy, but the article gets better as he drifts into talking about the blood and guts of running.

Every runner has a tale about a port-a-potty just missed, a coffee that wouldn’t stay down, a blister that burst and filled a sock with blood. We tell the stories with pride, metaphors for our own indomitability.

I’m so happy I’m (slowly) getting back into running. I’ve missed it.

Even When George Will Explains Greed

…most people aren’t going to understand. That’s too bad, because if people were allowed to be greedy without limits, we’d all end up paying less.

Greed is worse than a moral defect; it is a cause of foolish pricing. That is why markets know it when they see it. And when markets are allowed to operate, greed generates its own punishment.

via Greed’s Saving Graces.

Reason on Libertarianism And Crisis

Huh? You mean free markets didn’t cause this? But that’s not what NBC said…

After all, though the partisans of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama have muddied our view of this, the Bush years (indeed most of the American postwar experience) have been a time of constant stimulus and deficit spending, and a gradual (sometimes stop-and-start) centralization of the control of resources and decision making.

from Libertarianism in an Age of Economic Crisis – Reason Magazine.

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