Money, Sex and Las Vegas Pool Parties – The only surprising thing about this article is that anyone is surprised by what is revealed in this article.

It seems like (almost) everyone likes to be around pretty people and pretty things. And for the most part they expect to pay a premium for that and are ok with it. And I suspect the people who aren’t ok with it simply don’t participate.

So what’s the problem?

The Case For Letting Kids Design Their Own Play – Yesterday we went on a hike, but never made it to our intended destination. We came across a lean-to/tepee someone had built, and the kids wanted to play in it. An hour and a half later, they’d cycled through several characters each and moved countless logs and sticks to create a fire pit with seating to facilitate their story.

Yeah. I’m bragging.

But we also got to relax in the woods at 68 degrees and no humidity while they played. Everybody wins.

Man blames tequila for taking Las Vegas’ Blarney Stone – I want to start a Twitter account for “Vegas Man”. Unfortunately, most of those headlines would involve shootings and pedestrian-on-vehicle incidents.

This is one of the funnier ones.

Sony Pictures: Inside the Hack of the Century – Pretty fascinating read. Not the technical parts so much, but the culture and politics inside a company that create an environment that this kind of damage can be done.

honest toddler: Open Letter To The Child I Hit At The Park – “It’s utterly confounding how possessive adults are about their own belongings whether it be a remote control or wallet, but preach about communal property without even a twinge of guilt over their blatant hypocrisy.”

Exactly. I’m always reminded of the phrase printed on the button Alex P. Keaton gave his little brother Andy to wear at pre-school:


Disney World will ban selfie-sticks from theme parks – The Disney enthusiast and judgmental/authoritarian/GrumpyOldMan side of me cheers this decision by The Mouse. And I hope this thinking eventually finds its way into our National Parks.

The libertarian side of me wants to use a selfie stick (which I don’t currently own) to take a picture of myself drinking a can of Falls City beer (which I don’t currently drink) I sneaked into SeaWorld.

Just because I can.

And because they won’t care.

The Influence of Fathers on Children – Some of the stuff here is correlation over causation, but it still rings true to me. Being a dad is the most important thing I do. I’m not always the person described in this post, but I sure as hell want to be.

Are dating apps to blame for STD increase in Southern Nevada? – I’m going to throw out a pretty crazy notion here…

I’m not a native, and I’ve only been here a short period of time, but I’m pretty sure Southern Nevada is to blame for the STD increase in Southern Nevada.

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