Doing More With Less Since 1972

Tag: financial

Daily Reading List — May 8th

Practice – It's been 13 years. Never forget.

Exercise or Games? Why Not Both! – Bring it! I have high hopes for stuff like this motivating people to get moving. #NotAvailableOnGarminDevices

Your online project management software tools – I don't think there's a one size fits all tool out there. And if there was, it would probably be too complicated to use. But this one seems worth checking out.

13 Recipes That Take Boxed Wine To The Next Level – Boxed wine is already next level–if you get the right box. It's important for the box to open easily so you can get in there and squeeze every drop out of the bag.

Hey, part of the reason you bought this was to save money, right? No sense in being ashamed of that fact once you've almost emptied it.

The Case Against Competing – HBR – Competition and "beating the other guy" is so overrated. Unless you are talking about rugby. That changes things.

I once heard a very inspiring pre-match speech in which the (very gifted) orator stated the team's objective of the day should be to not only wanted to defeat the enemy and spend the night in the arms of their women, but also cause their club to fold and burn their town to the ground. Additionally, we were encouraged to do everything possible to ensure that, even if the town was rebuilt, no one would ever dare consider starting a rugby club there again.

Salting the pitch, if you will.

Holsteins’ Cereal Bowl Bamboozled Shake puts Cap’n Crunch to good use – I will be making this with Cinnamon Toast Crunch instead of Cap'n Crunch.

Oooooh…or Apple Jacks!

Innovation is Eating Consumer Finance | ThoughtWorks – This series focuses on financial services, but every industry that hasn't been disrupted yet is ripe for disruption.

What’s the Hurry? Building a Digital Enterprise – "Again, the strategies of the past that focused on efficiency led many CEOs to view IT as a cost center to be run as efficiently as possible. The legacy leaves many organizations with huge technical debts—from poorly maintained legacy systems to outdated processes to staff with trailing-edge capabilities. Organizations are, in general, moving far too slowly to build their technical capabilities for the burgeoning digital era."

Stuff You Should See– September 3rd through October 13th

Top 5 things to HATE about Marathon Runners -Ha! Best list since “Stuff White People Like”. I made every annoying thing on this list!

Amusing Ourselves to Death – Awsum.

Higher education bubble poised to burst – "The people running America's colleges and universities have long thought they were exempt from the laws of supply and demand and unaffected by the business cycle. Turns out that's wrong."

Market: Over 12 Year Period You Made More on 1st Day of Month.. – That is a pretty amazing fact.

What if the Postal Service runs out of money? – Cheese and crackers! Just let it die already!

Testing Teachers On Math and Reading – I can just hear their excuse now…"I may not be able to lay an egg, but I can tell a good one from a bad one" or "Do you think Tiger Woods' golf coach is better than Tiger at golf?"

Google SEO Starter Guide updated

The Most Influential Consumers Online are on Twitter – The easiest way to get a lot of retweets is to write an article praising Twitter users.

Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? – "Stupid jock" isn't always true.

Stop Repeating Yourself: Set Up a Workplace Wiki – I tried this at a former job a few years ago. The result–I used it. Then we had the middle management who would copy the contents of a help file somewhere and paste it into the wiki. That gets you bonus points for authorship when you show it in your PowerPoint!

IEEE Spectrum: Get on the Optical Bus – Good news for 3rd party software vendors. Now they can blame software issues on the fact that you don't have hardware with optical bus!

A few fabulous homeschool rants – heh.

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